Dear Bowdoin Alpha Delt,
It is my pleasure to officially invite you to the 2010 Bowdoin Alpha Delta Phi Reunion, Thursday, August 5th through Sunday, August 8th. In cooperation with Bowdoin College, we will once again gather at 228 Maine Street/Howell House. Also as in previous years, the upstairs rooms will be available for sleeping accommodations starting Thursday, August 5th. As always, this Reunion is open to all Alpha Delts and their loved ones, not just those who graduated in years ending in 0 or 5.
Starting in 2009, our reunions no longer coincide with the full College Reunion weekend at the end of May. Some of you may recall that Bowdoin College representatives requested this change in 2008. Following a series of negotiations last year, the College continues to honor our 2000 agreement by providing this alternate option, opening the House for our annual gatherings during the first weekend in August. After last year’s rather successful Reunion (one of the largest we’ve had in years), the College agreed to the same arrangement for this year’s gathering.
During Reunion Weekend, the Bowdoin Alpha Delta Phi Society Alumni Association will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, August 7th at 11 a.m. at the House. Among the topics we will discuss are future gatherings at Bowdoin, the discussions with the College regarding the Alpha Delta Phi Society Literary Fund, which was created to foster our legacy on the Bowdoin campus. I look forward to reporting on some dynamic literary activities on campus which were supported by our Endowment, and ideas for the future. The annual meeting will also focus on our ongoing role in the national Alpha Delta Phi Society—where the Bowdoin Chapter continues to lead, literally, with Bro. Craig Cheslog ’93 now in his fifth year as the President of the National Society, and Bro. David Clodfelter ’89 and I continue to sit on the Society’s Board of Governors.
Here are some additional details about the weekend:
- Dinner will be served at the House on Friday and Saturday, and brunch will be available on Saturday and Sunday. All meals will be buffet-style. You can sign up for these meals on the registration form.
- Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be served by Bowdoin College at the House, and this is covered in your fee. There will be open bars at the House on both Friday and Saturday evenings.
Enclosed is a full agenda and registration form, so that you can sign up for the weekend’s slate of activities. You may register online if you would prefer. To do so, simply go to the Reunion website ( You can also get register and get Reunion details on our new Bowdoin Chapter website ( You can also find information on the Chapter’s Facebook page, where you can become a fan to reconnect with Bowdoin brothers and receive updates on upcoming gatherings and the chapter’s contributions to the Bowdoin community year-round.
If you need assistance with some or all of your Reunion fees, please contact Vice President Nessa Reifsnyder directly at your earliest convenience by e-mail at nessa (at) mdifabricate (dot) com, or by phone at (207) 288-5113 days, or (207) 276-3365 evenings. ADP Board members have worked together to implement a grant application form, and Nessa will be happy to assist you with this detail.
Our continued use of Howell House for Alpha Delt gatherings is dependent on our demonstrating to the College that we have an ongoing interest. In other words, how many members register and participate does make a difference. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at thom.clark (at) gmail (dot) com, or by phone at (703) 786-8164. My mailing address is 3011 Fifth St N., Arlington, Virginia 22201.
On behalf of the Bowdoin Alpha Delta Phi Society Alumni Association, I look forward to welcoming you all back to the House August 5th – 8th for our 2010 Reunion.
Bro. Thomas McKessey Clark ‘99
President, Bowdoin Alpha Delta Phi Society Alumni Association